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- Habría agredido a un familiar y sirvió en el Ejército: lo que se sabe del sospechoso de tiroteos en Texas
- Jeffco responds to claim 11-year-old assigned trans roommate on school trip
- Cortez says goodbye to fallen police Sgt. Michael Moran
- Colorado State Patrol: 'All Reasons to Drive Sober' illustrated by DUI course
- Colorado law enforcement agencies on lookout for DUIs this holiday season
- Dolphins, Miami Gardens councilman donate new TVs to 6 Miami Gardens schools
- Police officer, at least three utility workers hurt in crash in Waltham
- Neighbors shocked after Lowell woman identified as victim in shark attack in Bahamas
- Chicago White Sox confirm meeting between Chairman Jerry Reinsdorf and mayor of Nashville, Tenn.
- Battenfeld: Could outside moderate challenger target Ayanna Pressley in 2024?